Frequently asked questions

Any image you have can be uploaded as long as it does not infringe on a copyright. We do not do commercial printing for any registered brands unless you provide us with permission from the brand owner.

Please do, try and give it to us in a high resolution format if possible. We will try to work with it if we can.

If you have the option on a product to select the tick box it means you do not want to print anything onto the item i.e. a logo or image… The price will be reduced to exclude this as branding cost is built into the existing pricing.

When you purchase 5 or more products across any categories you get further discounts when you get to the checkout.

Yes we do they accumulate with any order and can be redeemed when you want to.

The best approach for a bulk order is to order a single sample item to review and approve. Once you are happy and give the final approval we will then process a bulk order and credit you for the sample once the order has been placed as branded items are not returnable or refundable.

We currently do not, but we will assist on any bulk orders.

We currently use Stripe and GoCardless as payment providers.

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